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Friday, September 11, 2009

Notre Dame Engineering Libray Goes Green to Support Energy Week

This year’s Energy Week slogan is GREEN is the new BLACK, and there are several activities and educational programs planned throughout the week to increase awareness and help educate our community about current energy issues and topics. Programs such as the screening of energy films, touring the Notre Dame Power Plant, and attending lectures about energy and some of the energy challenges facing our nation today will be of interest to the entire community, while the energy career luncheon will be geared specifically toward undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in job opportunities with major energy companies. On Monday, September 14, on the South Quad near Cushing Hall the traditional Quad Display will take place. There are several major energy companies and energy-related groups and organizations that will be displaying the latest in energy technologies and discussing best practices for creating a sustainable energy future.

For details and a complete list of activities, please visit:

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